KEY.DOC -------- December 2nd, 1993 -------- I changed the procedure on making KEYs online at DUOnline. 1. I use to ask for the sysop name... now I use what ever name you are using on my BBS, DUOnline. Therefore when you put your sysop name into the config file (DNICON.CFG) you will have to enter the EXACT name in ALL CAPS, that you use on DUOnline. 2. You still get to enter you BBS name... but it is still CaSe sensitive. The new DUOnline Key File Generator door will make things easier on every one. In this new Door I have incorporated my Credit Card Door, therefore you can get a DEMO KEY and/or register and get a registered KEY all from the same door. Yes that right! You can register DUOnline Door programs like IconUpDater with Visa & Master Card. My KEY generator door will call out the other phone line while you wait, and if your charge is approve you will be immediately upgraded and it will then downlaod your registered key file immediately! Note: Realize this door is for getting a 30 Demo key or for registering and getting a registered key. Also this new door creates 30 day demo keys from the day you download it. It also keeps track of how many demo keys you have downloaded :) Enjoy, and feel free to call me voice for help. Thanks, Ryan voice: 513-860-1191